Paramatma Sandarbha (2016)

Author: Jiva Gosvami
Translator and Commentator: Satyanarayana Dasa
Paramatma Sandarbha is the third book in the series of Jiva Gosvami’s six-part treatise, known as Sat Sandarbha.
Tattva Dipika (2016)
Author: Baladeva Vidyabhusana
Translator and Commentator: Demian Martins
This text discusses a plurality of pre-modern Indian knowledge systems.
Bhagavad Gita (2015)
Translator: Satyanarayana Dasa
Bhagavad Gita is the famous dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna found in the Mahabharata epic. It forms one part of the Vedanta’s canonical trilogy, known as the prashana trayi.
Gaura-gana-svarupa-tattva-candrika (2015)
Author: Visvanatha Cakravarti
Translator: Demian Martins
This work discusses the the idea of divine name and explores the relationship between theistic Vedantin schools in a Puranic context.
Mula-ramayana (2015)
Translator: Demian Martins
One of the many Ramayanas, this text is a short—one hundred verse—summary of the Sanskrit epic.
Bhagavat Sandarbha (2014)
Author: Sri Jiva Gosvami
Translator and Commentator: Satyanarayana Dasa
Bhagavat Sandarbha is the second book in the series of Jiva Gosvami’s six-part treatise, known as Sat Sandarbha.
Bhakti Sandarbha (2005/2006)
Author: Sri Jiva Gosvami
Translator and Commentator: Satyanarayana Dasa
Bhakti Sandarbha is the fifth book in the series of Jiva Gosvami’s six-part treatise, known as Sat Sandarbha.
Yoga of Dejection (2000)
Author: Satyanarayana Dasa
This text is an original commentary of chapter one of Bhagavad Gita. Often times, commentaries of Bhagavad Gita pay sparse attention to this opening chapter so this work fills an important gap in the vast commentarial tradition.
Hitopadesa of Sri Narayana Pandita (1997)
Translator: Satyanarayana Dasa
Hitopadesa is a popular pre-modern Indian text on ethics and polity from niti-sastra. It is expressed in allegory with animals as the main characters.
Vraja Institute has two student dormitories, each with eighteen rooms. There is an extensive library, common areas and rooftops to relax, and a big dinning space with natural heating.
Formal partnerships with universities in the United States and India. Affiliated with Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, as well as Sampurnananda Sanskrit University in Benaras.
Resident Faculty
Dr. Satyanarayana Dasa is the Founder of the Vraja Institute and holds a Ph.D. in Sanskrit from Agra University. Dr. Jan Brzezinski received a Ph.D. in Sanskrit Literature from the University of London.